Monday, April 22, 2013

Goodbye to The Dome in Pleasant Hill

When I first moved to walnut creek I went to see movies in The Dome by myself alot.

I watched "Indiana Jones & The Crystal Skull" . I watched "Wanted" and a bunch of other movies. "Garden State" i think. " Blood Diamond" . "Cloverfield " might've been in there somewhere.

Sometimes, i brought my own food. sometimes i brought my own drinks ( mixed or otherwise). i got candy from dollar tree next door. Being new to the town i didn't know anyone to go to movies with. Or anyone who might like the same movies I did.

Later on, when she and me became we , I'd found someone to go see independent films with. And someone to drag to Comic book movies. We watched "Like Crazy" which was good. And "Year One" which wasn't. "(500 days of) Summer". Perhaps a "Fast & Furious"

There are lots I'm forgetting.

It was at The Dome that Mel & I went to see the greatest superhero movie I've ever seen. " The Dark Knight".

It's weird to write a "eulogy" of sorts about a movie theatre. It was weird to hear it was closing.

My final memory of The Dome is not of the movies I watched but rather of the building itself. That big domed theatre was FRIGGIN COLD , even for someone, like myself, who seldom IS cold, I always remembered to bring a jacket.

I'll miss The Dome in Pleasant Hill. I don't think I'm the only one a bit sad to see it take its final curtain call.

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